How to Cut Aloe Vera plant without killing it?

One of the most versatile plants, when we talk about plants, is Aloe Vera. The rich nature of aloe vera can brighten up your garden with ease. But who knows the solution to how to cut aloe vera plants?

When you are thinking about cutting aloe vera, you need to focus well so that you don’t destroy the plant. There is a specific process for cutting the aloe vera plant.

Tools used to cut the aloe vera plant

The right use of the tools can easily help you get the best out of the aloe vera plant. You will need to have good scissors or a garden knife. Similarly, a cutting board, a bowl with water, and a tight-lid jar are also vera plants. You will need to have good scissors or a garden knife. Similarly, a cutting board, a bowl with water, and a tight-lid jar are also must-haves.

The mature aloe vera with thick leaves will need some precision and strength to cut out and collect the juice.

When is the best time to cut aloe vera?

One of the fastest-growing plants is aloe vera. There are plenty of aloes that come out of the mature aloe vera plant.

The best time one can cut into the aloe vera plant is either during the summer or during the spring season.

In order to prepare the right summer juice, aloe vera needs to be cut with better control. There is more than 95% water in aloe vera, and random cutting could remove all the vitamins.

How to cut aloe vera plants without killing them

The most prominent query for anyone reading this article is how to cut an aloe vera plant without killing it. Not everyone with brute power can answer the question of how to cut aloe vera plants.

There is a specific procedure when you are thinking of cutting the aloe vera plant. Get hold of a sharp knife and look for the dead, dried, or dislocated leaf that needs to be removed.

Hold the plant tighter and cut as close to the main stem as possible. Make sure that you don’t trim the tip.

Cutting only the tip of the aloe vera plant will create foliage and also leave scars on the aloe vera plant. This will, in the end, rot the plant, which isn’t good in the long run.

Readers might question whether new leaves will grow even if we cut them. However, it can take from 2 weeks up to 4 weeks for the growth of new leaves. Careful cutting is the answer to how to cut an aloe vera plant.

How to protect the aloe vera plant after cutting

Most of the time, the proud owners of plants know how to get things done but not the aftermath. Knowing how to cut an aloe vera plant is not enough.

However, you should also be aware of the ways to protect the plant after cutting. Poor protection of the aloe vera plants after cutting will lead to an untimely death.

Some of the steps included for protecting the aloe vera plant after cutting are:

  • Provide sunlight for a minimum of 6 hours every day.
  • Put it closer to the window or the place where the sunlight appears most of the day.
  • The room temperature must be between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Too much watering of the plant will end up killing the plant. Try to keep the aloe vera dry so that it can grow well.
  • Try and put well-draining soil beneath the aloe vera plant. If the soil isn’t porous, the water stored in the roots can make the whole plant rot badly.
  • Fertilizer or fish emulsion works wonders once in the summer or spring to keep the plant fresh and running.
  • Most importantly, avoid feeding the plant in the winter or colder months, as it is taking a break to grow well in the summer.

Final Words

The medical and health advantages of aloe vera are massive. One can hardly negate the fact that aloe vera tends to heal a lot of issues.

However, having the answer to how to cut aloe vera isn’t enough all the time. After cutting the plant and getting the required extracts, one should be able to protect the plant well.

Aloe Vera is a boon to humans, but a lack of proper care can either rot or kill the plant forever.






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