Mistakes with indoor plants

Indoor plants are becoming increasingly popular as more people realize the benefits of bringing a little bit of nature into their homes. But the problem with indoor plants is also increasing.

Despite our best intentions, many of us end up making mistakes that can negatively impact the health and growth of our plants.

Today we will talk about the mistakes that tend to be made by gardeners.

  1. Overwatering

One of the most common mistakes with indoor plants is overwatering them. Many people assume that watering regularly is essential to keeping plants healthy.

But in reality, most houseplants only need water once every week or two, depending on their size and type.

To avoid overwatering your plants, be sure to check the soil moisture before adding more water. Stick your finger at least an inch or two into the soil, if it feels damp to the touch, wait a few days before watering again.

  1. Underwatering

On the other hand, some people neglect their plants by not giving them enough water. While it’s important not to drown your plant with too much water, you also don’t want it to dry out completely.

The key is finding a balance between underwatering and overwatering based on each individual plant’s needs.

In the case of underwatering, try to check the leaves of the plant. If the leaves are turning pale and yellow, it is time to add water.

  1. Ignoring lighting requirements

Different types of indoor plants have different requirements when it comes to sunlight exposure. Some thrive in bright daytime light, while others prefer low-light conditions.

Before buying any new plant specimens for your home or workspace, research what kind of follow-up they need.

A well-lit room might seem ideal at first glance, but it could actually hinder certain species from flourishing. Try to put the plants in indirect sunlight most of the time.

  1. Over-fertilizing

There is a common myth that plants need to be fertilized most of the time. Mistakes with indoor plants include the over-fertilizing process.

It is important to fertilize the plant, as it is its food source. But it is key to knowing when to fertilize or not.

If the fertilizers are applied in massive amounts, they will burn out the roots of the plant, creating an impossible situation to repair the plant.

When buying and using fertilizers, always follow the process that is mentioned in the packet. This will protect your plant for a long time.

  1. Keeping them in unsuitable environments

Similar to ignoring lighting needs, certain types of indoor plants will fail in places with temperatures that are too warm, cold, or dry.

Before buying any new plant specimens with specific specifications based on their required environment, it is worth checking if the potential space available is truly viable.

For instance, a bathroom or kitchen could be right up for air-moisture-loving tropical plants, while succulents thrive on sunny, hot windowsills. The right choice of environment will result in better growth for the plant.

  1. Neglecting cleaning duty

We already see how allergy-related airborne particles affect the human respiratory system. Plants can also host dust, pollen, fungal spores, and all kinds of pollutants, leading to an increased risk of suffering across homes and business environments.

In the mistakes made with indoor plants, neglecting the plant is the key. Timely maintenance of the plant, along with cleaning its leaves and stem, is the key.

If you live in a dusty space, try to keep the plant clean. It will improve the health of the plant and also lessen the root rot situation. Taking proper care of your indoor beauty will help the plant excel.

  1. Wrong selection of plant

This might be a controversial point about mistakes with indoor plants. The wrong selection of indoor plants might also be the reason for improper growth.

You can’t grow tropical plants that love sunlight inside the room, and vice versa. The plants present indoors must be close to their natural habitats.

Spider plants, succulents, snake plants, and Chinese evergreens are some of the finest indoor plants that add value to your rooms. Never choose a plant that might look good in your room; rather, go for what’s suitable for the plant.

  1. Poor soil quality

It’s essential to source high-quality soil from local gardening shops or stores, providing the necessary nutrients your future housemate demands!

The quality of the soil, with the presence of nutrients, is the way to go for the growth of the plant. If you don’t find good soil around, try and do the hard yards.

The nursery that sells the plant will also sell good-quality soil. Try and spend some more bucks on better soil, and it will give outstanding results.

  1. Choosing Ideal Sizes and Pot Conditions

The size of the indoor plants differs from size to size. Potting every plant in the same size pot will do no good at all.

The right size of pot for your plant will be key to proper growth and less harm. Not only the size of the pot but also its proper drainage are key.

If the water gets clogged in the pot, it will ultimately rot the roots, killing the plant. This is never a good sign. With the best-sized pot and quality features, your plant will only grow.

  1. Giving up too early

Out of all the mistakes with indoor plants, the biggest one is giving up too early. Growing a plant is not an easy task.

You will need a high amount of patience, skill, and dedication. A beautiful plant is the result of the right potting, watering, and fertilizing.

There is never the right time to get the plant budding well. A good indoor plant will never grow overnight. Therefore, have patience when growing one.

Final Thoughts

In the article Mistakes with Indoor Plants, there are some of the finest that plant owners make. It is certainly not an easy task to grow a plant.

But in the case of indoor plants, they aren’t highly demanding. All you need to do is water them properly, provide regular repairs, and let them grow.

Until and unless you are patient about the growth of indoor plants, there will hardly be better results.






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